The company started as a Barangay Micro Business Enterprise producing small quantities of soap and bath essentials intended only for close friends and families.
Inspired by big manufacturing companies who can provide employment to nearby communities, and contribute to the growth of the country's economy, MADs Bath and Skin Care Industries Inc. pursued expansion under the guidance of the Food and Drug Administration Philippines. Hoping to fulfill our customers need for natural products that are healthy to use, we took time and careful attention in choosing the right ingredients, mixtures and formulation to harness the benefits of being natural and organic. Starting from body scrubs, our line of products are now expanding to various creams, lotions, shampoos, soaps and aromatherapy massage oils. |
" We believe in creating your own path to happiness. That the world is full of opportunities awaiting for each individual to grab and take hold of his own share of the pie. We believe that Nature has so much to offer and that by finding who you are, you will eventually discover the road to your own definition of success.
It is taking the very first step that will change your direction in life but it's the first jump to the hidden challenges of entrepreneurship that will allow you to learn and grow. MADS Bath and Skin Care Industries is about opportunities for growth. We care about building partners as we build our profitable future together. " |